Our easy to understand logiScript technology can create a working application or prototype within a single meeting.
Easily customize the application further with our logiDevelop App builder. Add extra input fields, business logic and events, and set roles and workflow.
Develops secure, scalable, multi-user Single Page Web Applications with many features built in. Supports SQLite, SQL Server and MySQL databases and runs on Microsoft IIS.
You have the choice of hosting on your premises or in the cloud. We scale our servers to your user load requirements. Server-less single user desktop usage is also possible.
Software development has become increasingly difficult over the last decade, with a never ending buzzword soup of technologies for software developers to learn. Instead of these technologies simplifying software development they have created even greater complexity, often touting solutions to problems they themselves created.
With over 25 years of Software Development experience, having worked on large and small projects for small businesses and fortune 500 companies in the US, Europe and Australia, it became increasingly clear to logiPrise founder, Leo Nigro, that there had to be a far simpler and immensely faster way for small teams and businesses to develop custom applications.
Indeed, perhaps development could be made so simple that software developers were not required at all. A competent operator could outperform a team of developers on any new project by many orders of magnitude. It’s so fast, you’d probably be finished before your coders even write a line of code.
A whole suite of office administration applications are being developed for you to use and customize further with your existing subscription.
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LEOS will provide a full suite of office applications that are free to use with any subscription.
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Add multiple feature items, set different icons or images for each feature and also give custom links if needed.
Choose your style from three different layouts and two unique icon background shapes.
Show a connector line between each icon, changes its color and style to fit your unique design.
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We are happy to provide consulting services, to either help you understand our application building process, perform business requirements gathering, build a prototype, develop an entire application for you or extend and existing one.
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Was drawing natural fat respect husband.
Was drawing natural fat respect husband.
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